Our sense of organization, routines and habits is ruled by the mutable earth of Virgo Ruled by mercury, the negotiator of the zodiac, pristine internal communication is key to make our work effective and our actions efficient to avoid falling in the Virgin's excessive criticism and unachievable perfectionism. Join us to get to know what to consider in your TO DO list to optimize this Lunar cycle!
A session where, with your breath, aromatherapy and curated music, you will elevate to a transcendental meditative state in a safe and relaxing environment. Creating the necessary space to visualize, listen or feel what our higher SELF holds for us.
Based on your stars and the cosmos frequencies, you will create a vision board that reflects your potentiality of the year to set realistic and sustainable intentions and goals. We will use astrology, art, and our sensibility to connect to our inner needs and learn which cosmic resources are available to realize them. Cosmic NEW YEAR meditation!
Dany is authorized by the Ashtanga Yoga Institute (KPJAYI) Mysore - Índia as a Level 2 teacher. She currently directs the Ashtanga Yoga Rio School and travels to share her profound experience in the Ashtanga Yoga practice.