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awaken YOUR SOUL

Monthly Events

“Be grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun, and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful. Persist in gratitude, and you will slowly become one with the Sun of Love, and Love will shine through you its all-healing joy. The path of gratitude is not for children; it is a path of tender heroes, of the heroes of tenderness who, whatever happens, keep burning on the altar of their hearts the flame of adoration.” - Rumi

Observation is the gateway to the silence needed to listen the whisper of life moving through. To feel its touch, and translate the various sensations in the body to what she needs and wants from us. The gentle surrender of control is the test to what we are meant to release; and the deep understanding of the endless flow of creation, is what awaits as we integrate in our time, the eclipsed gift.

Where there is light, shadow lives. To protect the burning altar of our hearts and the feisty temper of our ego, trust and gratitude must exist. For it is the SELF that determines the lesson an aspirant of the path have received.
Wednesday, October 16th 
FULL MOON in Aries
 with Margaret Rosania

The fire of Aries, which rules our head, is the primal instinct we all have to live our passion. Moved by Mars, the warrior of the zodiac, the first sign of the cosmic wheel, imprints in us the seed of ego. That which is necessary for us to feel we do have the power to own our life, fight for our desires and thrive to make our lifestyle sustainable. Known for its rapid movements and limited patience, as well as feisty temper, the cardinal force of Aries grants us the opportunity to take the initiative to create the reality we long to live. Though this fires tends to run out quickly when is not properly channeled. Having a healthy relationship with his ruler Mars, makes us awareness of our Yang, sacred masculine force whose role is to fight for the contentment of the YIN, the complement, Venus, our receptive graceful heart. Join me at siendo to avoid a “hot head” and learn how to connect with the essence of Aries.

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Wednesday, October 9th
With Gabrielle Martini & Tosca Augustin

In a deep meeting of body and soul, we invite you to a unique experience of Yin Yoga guided by teacher Gabrielle, accompanied by the sublime voice of Tosca singing live mantras with the harmonium. During this journey, we will be embraced by gentle, restorative postures, while sacred mantras surround us with healing vibrations.

It is a moment to slow down, immerse yourself in the present, and allow each breath to guide your body into deep relaxation and energetic renewal. Surrender to the power of music and be nourished by the harmony between sound and silence, letting each chant resonate within the depths of your being, bringing balance, and serenity.

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